Monday, June 14, 2010

A little sun today.

I went to the VA this morning for a blood test. I got there 15 minutes before the office opened and the waiting room was almost full. Some had got there 30 minutes early. I waited 45 minutes and got called before the guy who was in front of me when I got there. The sun peeked through a high thin cloud layer most of the rest of the day and the flying was good. After trying to fly off long grass at Wrentham yesterday I put bigger wheels on the Padre. It seems to me that the plane is more stable with the bigger wheels. I'll give it more testing and will keep the wheels on as all the contests around here are off grass but not as long as Wrentham. One of the guys at Wrentham had a model called the "Shark"made in Eastern Europe some place. The Yatsenko Brothers build and finish and build the engine then assemble and trim the plane in flight. There are no adjustments that can be made to the plane as none are needed. It flew very well, it should for $3800.00. And it's a take apart plane and all fiberglass, fuse. and wing and tail. They make the props and the handle too. Put the right length lines on it and fly.

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