After losing the Twister in a power off one point landing and reading about the Fancherized
Twister I set about adding my two cents worth. I added two inches to the wing center
section as it was in pieces from the crash. I also added adjustable leadouts ala Fancher
article. The fuse. was made new and three inches longer as in the article. I angled the
fuse. rear down towards the fin as I didn't care for the Fancherized fuse. shape. I kept
the new fin/rudder shape though. Another bit of advice I used was to make the stab.
and elevator thicker, which I did. 1/4 inch thick. I added a 3/8 thick block to the insideof the nose for support ala article and I sanded the thing ala article too. It workedvery well. I used lite ply on the nose doublers and in the engine mounting area I pokedmany pinholes in the lite ply then applied three coats of thin CyA to harden the soft wood.I also ran the engine bearers back to the wing cutout. I used the Sig supplied three piecelanding gear wires. Not being able to leave well enough alone I added 3/8" to each wing tipfor a total wing span of 50 3/4 inches. I found that rustoleum has a spray can of lacquerclear. I put on two coats on the fuse. light sanded and brushed on a coat of thinned
spackle. I'm going to give it one more coat of lacquer and then paint. Monokote for the
wing and stab so I can use monokote hinges as the leading edges of the flaps and elevator
are hardwood dowels. I liked the picture of the 19 pointer on the forum so I plan to do
something like it.
Why is this double spacing on me? The wing looks a lot longer than it really is.