Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Got it.

We went to the park this morning and the carnival people were still there. The end of the field they are on is torn up by their tires and not usable for model planes. I went to the soccer fields across from the carnival and got in some flights. As I left I dropped one of the log books I keep on each engine so I can fuel and tune it the same each flight.
  At home I drove back to the hardware store with my 5 gallon pail and got 5 gallons of methanol. $3.50 a gallon at this store. That brings my cost per gallon down to $9.50. I now have enough fixin's to make over 30 gallons of fuel. If I win some fuel at the contest raffles that will reduce the cost a lot more.
  Back at home I noticed that the log book was missing. I coupled a trip to Home Depot with going to the park to retrieve the book. That worked out as planned.

1 comment:

Sweet Pea said...

That was a good thing.