Sunday, April 21, 2019

ARF. (almost ready for fillets)

As ones flying skills improve there is less damage to repair and some planes will last long enough to be in need of a new finish. I have found that when stripping old monokote from a wing it usually is under the fillets. This makes a mess of the fillets and the balsa causing a lot more work than it needs to be. I learned the hard way that using a strip of monokote around the edges and putting the fillets over the edge of the strip it becomes permanent to the plane. Any subsequent covering removal and replacement becomes a lot easier, if the plane lasts that long.
  I need to be careful of the gaps where the flaps meet the inboard and outboard stationary flaps. To get the gaps as tight as possible I can only put one layer of covering in the gap ends on the flaps and stationary flaps. That should produce a nice close fitting gap that doesn't interfere with the movement of the flaps. (In my case it's more like a Henny Youngman joke"Take my gap, please")

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