Sunday, April 14, 2019

Building the fuselage.

When I started this project I planned on using an engine. So I built a engine crutch first. Then I drew the outline on the balsa I planned to use for the fuselage front end. I had already marked the thrust line and the wing chord line. I used the chord line to lay out the crutch by mistake. I've done this more than once. When I figured that out I drew the crutch on the thrust line where it should be. Then I couldn't find an engine I figured would be powerful enough and cheap enough at the same time. It occurred to me that electric would be the logical choice and after conferring with experts I got what I needed from Brodak. I already had the Conversion Kit "D" for the motor. After building the motor mount I started to use the chord line again to draw the cut lines. After some re measuring I think I finally got it in the right place. That is why there is  lots of lines on the nose and why there are marks denoting the right place to cut and different colors. I'm going to check it again before going to the band saw. The open back half will be sheeted with 1/64 ply and the front will be covered with layers of balsa to blend in the motor box.
  I put the wing and stab in place to check the fits and measure hinge to hinge. I found a mistake there and put in an extra piece to close up the stab opening. I'll check the wing/stab incidence to see if I have enough room to adjust the stab if necessary.

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