Thursday, August 28, 2008

Almost everything is here.

I installed the seat covers yesterday and I had to go back and re read the description on ebay. The covers are for a seat with the fold down arm rest but don't come with a cover for the arm rest. The picture on the box shows a blue seat with the covers installed but nothing on the arm rest. Oh well, for $4.99 it was a bargain.
I washed the bed with Superclean and then with dish soap then wire brushed the whole thing to get ready for the Herculiner that is supposed to be here today.
The 'Easy' is coming along. As usual I didn't get enough balsa to finish the wing but I can get some more tomorrow. I think I'll extend the fuse. an inch or so for balance and flyability. Nothing matches on the plan so I'll make it 'look' right. Dickiepoo should be ashamed of this drawing. I think he copied it from the old magazine verbatim. The 6 inch scale is oversize the wing is oversize and the fuselage is undersize, way to go again Dick. It really is a full fuse. model except the engine is side mounted like a profile. The fuse. is two pieces of 3 inch sheet with no canopy or anything. The rear tapers to a point and that's it for style. The rudder has a sub rudder that drags on the ground for a tail skid. I think I'll incorporate a wheel somehow.

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