I remembered some big high Voltage wire I had in the pile of stuff. I needed some solid core wire for the bike just in case the wire I had on it was bad. It's made by Rowe Industries in Toledo OH.I googled the name and they are still in business. This stuff it 3/8" diameter with 14 ga. silver coated copper wire. I uses the coil end boot and a Rajah terminal for the plug end. How many remember Rajah terminals? That's the two piece thing above the wires. I had to trim some of the insulation diameter to get it to fit into the coil tower and the terminals black plastic part. I've had the Holley wires on my hot rod for 11 years now and they are still good. But they are resistor wires.
If you click on Aug. 18 2009 there are pictures of the El camino and 2007 August 22 is a picture of the hot rod.
So did it help?
Can't tell yet. The module is bad so it's getting no spark.
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