Sunday, November 21, 2010

Johnson sucks.

I've had good luck flying this weekend. The planes that I fixed up have flown quite well. The weather has been almost good with decent winds and temps in the 40's. I pondered how to warm the engine for the first start and figured a generator to power the heat gun was too expensive, a hose from the car exhaust would take too long and look strange, the propane torch is too dangerous and blackened the nose of the Pathfinder. So, in desperation, I heated some water, put it in a hot cup and at the field poured it on the engine to warm it up. Worked like a charm.
The Snow Fox is the best plane in the wind. It goes up wind without changing altitude. All the others climb into the wind. It corners good too.

1 comment:

2Evil4U said...

Heh. I may need to start rooting for Johnson. He's like the Yankees of Nascar, except he always seems to win.