Thursday, November 25, 2010

Some progress.

I got tired of sanding and filling as I couldn't see any more places that needed filling and sanding. I put the tack rag to it and mixed an ounce of Min Wax poli crylic clear using 10 cc of clear, 10 cc of water and 10 cc of alcohol. I brushed on a coat to seal the bare balsa spots. These bare spots look good but take paint differently than the rest of the plane. The clear coat took 5 cc of the mix adding no weight at all. I tested some spray tips and got one that gave a good fan pattern without heavy lines and put it on the white Krylon can. Two coats did the job and the bare spots were sealed well. Of course the places that didn't get filled and sanded didn't show up until the paint dried. I ran some glue into the cracks, that should fill them. I'm letting the white dry for a spell and then the red and blue go on. Lots of taping for a small area of paint. So far the finish is a whole lot smoother and will be more shiney after the clear coat of wheel clear. I didn't like the way the Min Wax clear felt on the original finish. The Dupli-Color wheel coating has fared very well on other planes. I should have used it on this one but luckily I dn't. The Min Wax sanded off like it wasn't there, maybe it wasn't. But it seems to be working very well as a base coat/sealer.
Forecast is for 5 to 10 mph winds today but cool in the 40's. With the dinner and clean up I probably won't be able to get in a flight.

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