Monday, December 20, 2010

Cold again.

I had a blood test at the VA early this morning. Got a good parking spot and only a 30 minute wait. I stopped at Shady Acres to see if Earl Hopkins was there or Everett but no one that I knew was there.
I've been working on the Lightning and painting the Ringmaster 576. I stripped it a few weeks ago and spiffied it up a bit with new monokote and paint. Base color, white, is on and blue maybe tomorrow. The lightning is in the stab. installation stage. I've had to cut most of the formers away to get push rod movement. The plans are not the best for parts making but adequate. Maybe before it's too late I'll add some length to the stab. Can't hurt. I talked with someone yesterday and he had some info on the border patrol agent that got killed. It seems he was a part of a special unit that tracks the bandits. And not to be mean or anything they are armed with the newest and greatest bean bag guns. It's bad enough to bring a knife to a gun fight.

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