The temp is in the mid 40's with a bit of sun now and then. Just right for some first flights. I have the re built Primary Force and the Ruffy loaded up and ready to go. I figure that if I start the Ruffy while inverted and let the engine warm up a bit then stop it and set it in the stooge it should start with the plane upright and the engine inverted. I got the starter just in case.
I took a picture of the builds and re builds so far this season. The white one with red and blue is the pupster with a new wing, the white and orange one is the Primary Force with flaps and a larger stab/elevator, the blue one is the Ruffy and the one on the shelf is the one I scratch built using the pathfinder airfoil and measurements. The orange wing 576 is the Ringmaster I added flaps to.
looking good. 70's and 4+" of rain today and tomorrow down here.
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