I've been to the club field and the school but the winds have been tricky at best. I did get some flightsin and did get to test one of the new tanks. It's labeled 180 cc and that equates to 6 ounces. I fliied one with water and dumped it into a measureing cup. 5 ounces on the nose. Probably 4.8 with the cap and tubing installed. Still that's more than enough for my engines. I sent a mailing tube to LA yesterday with a glow battery and two pieces of .032 wire for the hinges of the plane to be built. Today I sent the fuel tank I tested yesterday.
The river is barely in it's banks and I've been fishing twice with no luck.
I moved the El Camino into the middle bay, the truck outside on the cement pad and got the hot rod started. After moving several mowers, a shredder, a battery charger and a gas grill I was ready to move it. I slid the cover off from back to front and let it fall to the floor. It started right up and I started backing out when I heard a clunk. I got out and found the charger was in the way and got knocked over. I moved it again and backed all the way out. I put it in drive and started forward when I heard a ripping sound. The cover had cought on the license plate and followed me out and then I ran over it ripping it on the plate. I parked it in the drive way, left it running and washed it. Even with the cover it had a lot of dust on it. Anyway all is well and I will put the truck in the open bay when we leave next Monday.
I had flown the Lightning, which I re named Hobnob, for a few minutes a while back. I remember it flew wings level and turned pretty good. I took it to the school this morning and flew a test flight followed by a narrowing of the handle spacing. Then I put up a full pattern flight but the engine quit in the first loop of the last maneuver. I added more fuel this time and got in a whole pattern. The plane is very stable and turns on a dime. I made up a new set of lines for it when I got home and set up it's own handle.
I may have to mow the lawn tomorrow for the first time. Forecast winds are not good for flying but will be on Friday. Saturday I have to go to RI and get the cake for Easter dinner.